Star Sapphire Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis
About Star Sapphire Lodge
Ordo Templi Orientis has a long history in Los Angeles that began in 1935 with Agape Lodge, the first formal presence of O.T.O. in the United States. Many individuals crucial to the development of modern O.T.O. had their start at Agape Lodge, and Los Angeles continues to be an important hub for O.T.O. to this day.
Star Sapphire Lodge is the most recent incarnation of O.T.O. in the Greater Los Angeles area, and we came into existence in 2009 with the merger of L.V.X. Lodge and Blue Horizon Oasis.
We have become one of the largest and most dynamic local O.T.O. bodies within the United States, and we take immense pride in our diverse community as well as in the high quality of our work. The Gnostic Mass and our initiations are what makes O.T.O. unique, and so we strive to execute both with ever-increasing joy and beauty.
We are a very active local O.T.O. body with a welcoming and inclusive culture. We invite you to contact us with any questions that you may have about Thelema and O.T.O. We have also put together some resources for those who desire to learn more about Thelema, O.T.O. and Star Sapphire Lodge.
We encourage anyone interested in us to visit during any public event.
Donate to Star Sapphire
Star Sapphire Lodge serves the Greater Los Angeles area through the promulgation of the Law of Thelema and its application through initiatory and ecclesiastical services. We have a vibrant and welcoming community, and we offer a variety of classes and public events that all are welcome to attend. All donations are appreciated and will be applied toward equipping us to continue our work.