If you would like more information about Star Sapphire Lodge or Ordo Templi Orientis, please feel free to contact us!
Local Body Officers:
Frater S.V.A.T.I. - Master: starsapphire.master@oto-usa.org
Sister Anna - Treasurer: starsapphire.treasurer@oto-usa.org
Frater SAGITTA - Secretary: starsapphire.secretary@oto-usa.org
Frater Jivanmukta - Assistant Secretary: starsapphire.assistantsecretary@oto-usa.org
Who should I contact with questions about...?
Master - General questions about O.T.O., Star Sapphire Lodge & Initiations
Treasurer - Membership Status, Payments, Dues & Initiation Fees
Secretary - Events, Classes & Communications
Send us a message: